Power of the Purse – Community Fundraiser
Published: April 29, 2016Proud Sponsor of 2016 Power of the Purse Benefit!
The Power of the Purse community benefit scheduled for June 2, 2016 is already SOLD OUT! It’s going to be a great evening of appetizers & dessert, wine, entertainment, door prizes, and a deluxe live & silent auction of designer purses!
You Want This!
Designer purse and unique get away experiences – LIVE AUCTION!

Silent Auction: Ralph Lauren, Drawstring Shoulder Bag Filled with Luxurious Items!
If you were fast and bought your tickets early, we’ll watch for you at the event! Be sure to keep your eyes open for the silent auction item we’ve donated. It’s a fabulous Red, Raulph Lauren shoulder bag.
You’ll want to bid on this little beauty . We’re stuffing this already amazing Raulph Lauren designer shoulder bag with all kinds of luxurious treats – dinner, massage, money, PLUS a private and hard-to-get session with a L’ Oreal portfolio artist trained in Hollywood and Beverly Hills techniques… Stay tuned for more details!
Helping Families in Need
If you missed the early media coverage on KISS FM radio (Vernon, BC), the Power of the Purse is a community fund raiser to directly help families in need in the North Okanagan. Families are referred by Interior Health Authority ER, Palliative Care, Pediatric and Mental Health (Hospital & Community), Canadian Mental Health (Vernon), and Vernon Transition House. (Priscilla and Compare is so pleased to be part of this event!)
The Power of the Purse benefit is hosted by the Miracle Bucket Society. For more information on this great event, check out their website: www.themiraclebucketsociety.com