Posts tagged with: enderby

824 Middleton Way, COLDSTREAM

Okanagan/Shuswap Real Estate Statistics – July/August 2017

Typical of most summers, the real estate market moderated slightly in July, down 6% from June and down 2% from July last year. Prices in our region continued to reflect strong demand for the available supply. The average home price in July reached $504,712, down slightly (1%) from June, but up 6% from July last [&hellip

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Okanagan/Shuswap Real Estate Statistics – February/March 2017

Spring has been painfully slow to arrive in the Okanagan/Shuswap this year and so has the usually brisk spring real estate market. But we are seeing an increase in activity in the last few weeks so there is light ahead! Overall, real estate sales are 10% lower than the same time last year. Despite this, [&hellip

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