Posts tagged with: equifax

Our Unbalanced Fall Real Estate Market

After a wild summer the fall real estate market felt almost sluggish in the Okanagan/Shuswap, but compared to October last year sales in the North Okanagan were still higher. Our Shuswap region saw a slight decrease. These past 12 months have been a roller coaster ride with major changes to the Canadian financial and real [&hellip

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EQUIFAX – New Credit Scoring System

  Equifax has updated its scoring system. ‘Beacon 9.0’ is touted by Equifax as the industry’s ‘leading-edge scoring system. While it maintains consistency with prior scoring criteria, it now provides refinements. These refinements reflect changes in consumer lifestyle and the market. It’s a scoring system that more effectively evaluates new prospects. It predicts the probability [&hellip

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