Posts tagged with: okanagan

Silver Star Mountain Resort - Welcome Sign

SilverStar Shuts Down Amid COVID-19

SilverStar Shuts Down Over COVID-19 ***UPDATED, MARCH 17, 2020*** Please see the recent release from Silver Star Mountain. The mountain will cease downhill skiing operations effective immediately due to the spread of COVID-19.  The mountain will remain closed for the remainder of the season. Despite no downhill skiing, there are still plenty of food options [&hellip

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First Real Estate Sale Over $1 Million Since 2008

9987 Cathedral Drive, Silver Star – SOLD FOR OVER $1 MILLION In the North Okanagan there were 4 real estate sales over $1 million dollars in November, 3 acreages and 1 home on Silver Star Mountain. This fully furnished, custom designed, half-duplex home on The Ridge offers premium ski in/out access and stunning Monashee Mountain views. One of [&hellip

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Okanagan/Shuswap Real Estate Statistics – May/June 2017

Spring is normally busy for the real estate market with sales increasing in May over April. This year was no different, with sales 38% higher than April – but 6% lower than May 2016. Real estate listing inventory shortage may be easing slightly, but rising prices, short turn-arounds of home sales and the ratio of [&hellip

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Where are the real estate buyers coming from?

It’s a hot topic of conversation amongst sellers and the team at Priscilla & Company, ‘Where are the buyers actually coming from?’.  Spring is normally busy for the real estate market Generally, real estate sales in the Okanagan and Shuswap increase in May as compared to April. This year was no different, with sales 38% [&hellip

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16225 Butterworth Road, Lake Country

Okanagan/Shuswap Real Estate Market – March/April 2017

Overall, sales volume reflects that we’re in the midst of a spring market in the Okanagan/Shuswap. However, we don’t have enough inventory to support typical real estate sales for a busy spring market. Real estate sales in March 2017 were up about 60% over February but are roughly on par with this time in 2016. [&hellip

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Aidan’s Tournament

Cheering on our Vernon Scorehawks The Vernon Scorehawks are an Under 16, adapted hockey team, that have been playing for 8 seasons now. The team was started by my wife Sherry and I as well as Volunteers, Rob Morris and Mike Pitura. As well, we have several dedicated volunteer coaches, that come out every week, [&hellip

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Okanagan/Shuswap Real Estate Statistics – February/March 2017

Spring has been painfully slow to arrive in the Okanagan/Shuswap this year and so has the usually brisk spring real estate market. But we are seeing an increase in activity in the last few weeks so there is light ahead! Overall, real estate sales are 10% lower than the same time last year. Despite this, [&hellip

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Okanagan & Shuswap Rental Scams

Don’t be caught in a rental scam- Over the past 30+ years we’ve met a lot of amazing and hardworking people. It’s been a privilege to help those individuals with their real estate needs. We’ve also seen the real estate industry become the target of some pretty creative scammers. If you, or someone you know, [&hellip

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Okanagan & Shuswap Real Estate Statistics – Oct/Nov 2016

2016 is winding down and the experts are starting to forecast what 2017 will look like for B.C.’s real estate market. Over the past month real estate sales slowed. A number of factors suggest we could be heading for a gradual downturn. BCREA suggests less robust economic conditions combined with government policy constraints will slow [&hellip

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Priscilla & Company Logo

EQUIFAX – New Credit Scoring System

  Equifax has updated its scoring system. ‘Beacon 9.0’ is touted by Equifax as the industry’s ‘leading-edge scoring system. While it maintains consistency with prior scoring criteria, it now provides refinements. These refinements reflect changes in consumer lifestyle and the market. It’s a scoring system that more effectively evaluates new prospects. It predicts the probability [&hellip

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